Cloud Can Make Your Digital Transformation Smooth
Technologically advanced companies grew five times faster than those who didn't
Recently Accenture came up with a report that states the cloud is a necessary medium for smooth digital transformation. It has been found out that those who have embraced technology during the pandemic have grown drastically more than those who didn't. Jen.A.Miller unveils the report in her article for CIO Dive.
Here is the summary of the article:
Companies that ramped up their digital transformation during the pandemic have grown four times than those that haven't.
Accenture's 2019 survey labeled the organizations as leaders (10%) and laggards (25%) based on their technology adoption.
Leaders' revenue grew twice the rate of laggards in the pandemic.
In its "Make the leap, Take the lead" report, Accenture found that the gap even more widened with leaders growing five times more than laggards.
The new category leap froggers (18%) were the ones that compressed their digital tech initiatives and invested in the forward-thinking tech in the previous year.
 They grew four times faster than laggards and were even higher than leaders.
The report has found the 67% of leaders accelerated their cloud investment; for leap froggers, it was 47%Â Â Â
Their March report has also stated that 30% of an employee's experience at work is related to technology factors.
 A cloud-first strategy is critical in retaining top talent by letting them connect to work and co-workers, whether they're coming back to the office or not.
What Zluri Thinks:
Digital transformation initiatives can accelerate the overall growth of a company and improve employee satisfaction as well. Kickstarting these activities can boost employee morale and may play a crucial role in retaining top employees. If a few of your best employees want to continue working from home even as the pandemic eases out, having the right initiatives in place will ensure that business carries on per usual.
You can read the full article here.